Monday, January 12, 2009

Day Two

So it always feels nice to pickup a nice win following a losing session. I didn't get to play on Saturday or Sunday, but I found time to play today from 3-8. Today I ended the session with a net win of 2388$+3$ can of coke. The win felt good, but what almost felt equally good was beating up on this cocky kid wearing gucci sunglasses where you could see through the lenses. He looked really young, and looked like one to try to make plays n such, and it was confirmed to me on the first hand we entered against each other.

Bay101 20/40 game, I was UTG+1 (Under The Gun+1 or 2 left of the big blind) with 88 and raise, he 3-bets (reraises), everyone folds and I call.
Flop comes 777, I check, he bets, I raise, he calls,
Turn 5, I bet, he raises, I think and call
River T (ten), I check, he checks with only 4 chips left and MHIG (my hand is good) against his AQ

Eventually we both move tables, and I get to move to a seat to his left where I continually 3-bet him with even some Ax at times because he's been caught with random hands like Qx suited or what not. He does not stop, and proceeds to keep trying to play hard against me all the while talking about how he can read people and how he plays and wins at 100/200, and constantly repeats "I know what you have".

I must've seen him rebuy at least 6 times...

The crazy amount of hours I've put on so far in January hasn't felt like much actually. For the most part I'm actually having fun playing cards, and the boring times when I'm just folding away hands for what seems like hours, I can listen to music or start conversation with those around me or the dealers. So far I've logged in 26 hours in the 12 days of January that we've had. I'm aiming to try to login 15-20 hours/week, but I don't think I can keep up as soon as school hits on the 22nd.

Okay time for bowling, peace

Dan Low

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