Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MLK day = Payday

Today I "worked". If I can even call it that yet, but once again I continue to run well and win again. Much to my delight the 21 yr old skinny asian kid wearing Gucci glasses that you could see through was here again. So the constant reraising of this kid's incredible wide raising range began. Oh, and I read his soul.

Everyone folds to Kid who raises in some late position but not the button, I look down and see red Tens in the small blind and 3-bet, big blind clears out.
Flop K78 2 spades
I bet, he calls
Turn 6 spade
I bet, he raises, and I thought for a bit, I know he's capable of bluffing and he was actually not jittering as he usually does when he's in action, instead he's stone stiff. I call.
River blanks
He bets, I call, he tables(shows his cards on table) red 55, and my Tens win.
Table could not believe how I made such an insane call on the turn.

The night ended on a bit of a heater netting me 1213 for the evening.

It's safe to say January has been good to me. I've been trying to just simply log as many possible hours that I can, and I'm at 45.25 hours so far for the month playing 11 sessions. I've earned 9140 so far this month, but I'm not going to count my chickens before they hatch as my dad would always say. I could very easily end this month with less than that, perhaps even in negative if I run terribly bad. I want to find some way to harness all the confidence I'm playing with now for times when normally my confidence may be shaken, leading me to misplay hands. I have no idea how I'm going to keep up my playing with school starting on Thursday, but hopefully none of my playing time will interfere with my schooling. Perhaps I will attempt to update how much poker is effecting my studies in the near future.

Dan Low

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